Top 10 Best Tips For Studying

It is important to understand how to study smart, so you don’t have to study as hard, but you can do even better in your classes. It is possible to do well in school and still have lots of time to do other things!

Here are the top 10 best tips for studying:

1. Talk to your teachers

Your teachers are there to help you! If there is a class or homework you are having a hard time with, just email your teachers or speak with them after class and tell them you need some help. 

2. Use your weekends

Your weekends should definitely be a time for rest and fun, but they are also a great time to get ahead on homework due the next week or catch up on any missing assignments. This will make your school weeks less busy. 

3. Flashcards

Flashcards are a very easy way to memorize a lot of information. Write a question or topic on the front and the answer on the back. You can create flashcards on paper or on a free online website called Quizlet. 

4. Keep track of your assignments

It is important to stay on top of your homework so you don’t have overdue assignments. You can do this in many ones. You could use a planner, a calendar, or even just a to-do list. Write down which days your homework is due, and once you have completed each assignment, you can cross it off!

5. Active recall

This is a method that can help you memorize information fast. First, read over the notes you are trying to memorize carefully. Then, put your notes away, get a blank sheet of paper, and write down everything you remember from your notes. 

6. Practice tests

When preparing for a test, a great way to study is to do a practice test. To do this, you could find practice tests online, ask your teacher for them, or even create your own. 

7. Be engaged in class

In order to study effectively, it is important to understand what you are studying. Therefore, make sure to see engaged and focused in class by listening, taking notes, and participating. 

8. The Pomodoro technique

Another great strategy is the pomodoro technique. This proven technique is when you study for 25 minutes and then take a 5 minute break. To do this, you can use your own timer, or you can simply click on this link and press start. 

9. Study with classmates

Sometimes, studying with classmates is a wonderful since it allows you to work together and ask eachother questions. Just make sure to stay on task and not get too distracted!

10. Plan ahead - Don’t procrastinate!

Whenever you have a major assignment or test, try not to wait until the day before to do it. Instead, plan ahead and break the task down into smaller pieces so you can do a little bit each day. This reduces stress and makes everything much more manageable. 


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